Saturday, November 06, 2004

David Corn Joins Hysteria...

Today, The Nation's David Corn opines,

"He will further pursue policies that feed the gargantuan deficits and will deny the overwhelming fiscal fiasco. Before the election, his Administration was preparing for severe cuts in social programs. He may not take explicit steps to outlaw abortion. But he won't have to be explicit. It is inconceivable that Bush will not have the opportunity to appoint at least one Supreme Court Justice--William Rehnquist may provide the first vacancy--and he could get the chance to fill up to four openings. A Bush Court would be predisposed toward overturning Roe v. Wade. Presumably it would undermine environmental laws, be hostile to gay rights and put into action the goals of the right-wing "federalist" movement, which hails states' rights and property rights."

The true facts: Even with Rehnquist, at most the Court has three anti-Roe judges (Rehnquist, Scalia, Thomas). Thus, even if Rehnquist is replaced, it would still be 6-3, and require the replacement of two pro-Roe judges in the next four years. Then, one would need a test case to get all the way up to the Supreme Court before it could be reviewed. Additionally, contrary to the common misconception, which the media rarely clarifies, overturning Roe v. Wade would NOT make abortion illegal. Rather, it would simply allow states to make that decision for themselves.

History provides little comfort. And certainly the politics will be ugly. The Bush camp has been rewarded for its tactics of distortion and derision. Bush and Dick Cheney appealed to people's fears. And the lesson for them and the Republicans is clear: This worked, let's do more.

Continued denial that it was maybe ideas that caused the Democrats' loss. "Nooooo. We didn't really lose the election. The Bush team (led by superhero Karl Rove) was just more mean!"